The relaxation massage is the best method by which you can get rid of stress and gain a feeling of well-being with me. u2028- Experience is my asset that will make you come back guaranteed, I am serious, mature, blonde with fluffy and pleasant shapes, beautiful breasts and a charming smile, very rebellious and playful...- The ad is addressed to generous and kind gentlemen I feel that they know how to appreciate my refinement.. I DO NOT WANT TO BE DISTURBED NEEDLESSLY NO PRIVATE SMS AND CALLS, ATTENTION.. I DO NOT ACCEPT PEOPLE WITH BALLS AND IN A STATE OF DRUNK, I have the right to select my clientele from the first call. ONLY AT ME I AM WAITING FOR YOU DO NOT HESITATE TO CONTACT ME, REAL PICTURES

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blonda cu chef de aventuri Prima zi

Masajul de relaxare este cea mai buna metoda prin care poti scapa de stres si poti dobindi o stare de bine cu mine . 
-Experienta este atu-ul meu care te va face sa revi garantat, sunt serioasa , matura , blonda cu forme pufoase si placute , sanii frumosi… Targu Jiu

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